A review on endangered animals


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Concerns about endangered animals

Topic : A small step goes a long way

Dear Editor,

I would like to express my concern regarding the decreased number of certain species on our planet. A few examples of these animals in Malaysia are dugongs, tapirs, tigers, marine turtles and orang utans. These animals play an integral role in the biodiversity of our planet. I am dissapointed and saddened by the fact that very few Malaysians are paying close attention to these problems. I honestly think that the government should set up a series of campaign all over Malaysia to instill these awareness in fellow Malaysians. The existing laws on the conservations of these poor animals are not enough to shield them from their extinction. Government should amend a new policy to save these wildlife from the brink of extinctions. Fishermen should not be permitted to enter the waters where most critically endangered marine animals can be found. Malaysians should also leave the eggs of these turtles alone and let them breed. It is good enough that only a few of these turtles survive for the first two months of their lives without being a prey to their natural predators. Illegal logging should be forbidden and more monitoring works by forest rangers should be done to combat these matters. Illegal forests burning should be taken into account, as forests are the main habitat of our beloved wildlife. Everyone can play a part in the conservation of these wildlife. We can start by doing little things like not to use plastic bags when buying groceries and recycle unwanted goods. I personally think that it is good that some people are creating blogs and websites to help create the much needed awareness. Know that little things make a huge difference, and our wildlife are looking up to us to help save them.

Thank you.

A concern citizen ,

Nursyaheedah Muhammad Isa

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