A review on endangered animals


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Views on Giant Panda

Topic: Why Giant Panda are endangered?

Dear Editor,

I would like to suggest a few comments from the written article regarding Giant Panda which is one of the most endangered species throughout the world. The Giant Panda, one of the most delightful and captivating of animals is becoming extinct from day to day. Basically, the writers explained and shared useful information for us especially for those who are not too familiar with Giant Panda.
However, a detailed information can still be added to give some general knowledge for the readers. The writer also indicated the specific characteristics of Giant Panda regarding their scientific name, population and where they came from. This species is very important to be saved because it provided economic benefits that derived from tourism, subsistence fisheries and agriculture, transport, hydropower and water resources. The survival of the panda and the protection of its habitat will ensure that people living in the region continue to reap its ecosystem benefits for many generations.
Last but not least, lots of gratitude should be given to the writer because he has great intention to explore and expose these endangered species and create awareness among the readers of saving the Giant Panda. The writers also have suggested brilliant ideas on how to save the endangered species.

Thank you

A nature lover

Nurul Farhani bt Che Ghani

A letter to nature's lovers..

Firstly, I would like to congratulate on the recovery of some of the endangered species such as an American Alligator. It is a relieve to know that we could really save an endangered species. With a great love and care for these endangered species, we may protect them for our next generation's future. I've watched many new discovery videos on how scientists are trying their best to saved all the animals and I could see how much effort that they have been putting to protect our endangered species. My greatest salute is on them. However, it is not to be forgotten, my salute is also for our respectful writers who make no less effort than the film producer in their way of giving information to increase public awareness regarding this issue. As we could see today, there are many blogs with different style of writing, expressing one's idea on animal conservation. Making them as examples, that is what I am doing now, hoping that people will realize how important for us to save all of the endangered species. Not many people know that this is one of the ways on how normal people like us could contribute to save all the animals.

I think that is all for now.. thank you.


Fadzreen binti Mohd Fadzwi

Thoughts about elephants

Topic : Conserving the numbers of elephants in our planet

Dear editor ,

First of all I would like to thank you and your team for bringing awareness towards the endangerment of elephant species which have a remarkable decline in its numbers for the past 25 years . The articles represented helps me in my research about elephants.

I would like to comment about the declining numbers of elephants in our planet . As it may seem , poaching is the main ongoing threat towards this mammal eventhough laws of ban on hunting elephants have long been authorized. What I want to point out here is that people should stop buying ivory and products originated from elephants. The math is simple , when there is no demand there will be no supply . Besides that, the campaign towards saving the wildlife should be made more attractive and informative so that it will move people to contribute towards the cause . The authority who are in charge of keeping eye on these animals should work from their heart , not for glamour or money . When we work from our willingness and love towards something , then the results would be trumendous. If it ever happened that these elephants become extinct , it would be terrible for the natural ecosystem in where this animal live. For us , the humans , it would be a shame to lose such a species just because of our greed and ignorance towards preserving the natural heritage . Besides that , as we all informed , elephants are one of the tourist attraction that generate income for the locals , for example in African safari . The declined numbers of elephants and other endangered animals will greatly effect the local economic revenue that are mainly chained to tourism .
As a conclusion , I hope more and more people will put their efforts on conserving our precious natural habitants . Helping means more than receiving .

Thank you.

Yours truly ,

Syahrizulfadli bin Haji Salam @ Mansor

Concerns about endangered animals

Topic : A small step goes a long way

Dear Editor,

I would like to express my concern regarding the decreased number of certain species on our planet. A few examples of these animals in Malaysia are dugongs, tapirs, tigers, marine turtles and orang utans. These animals play an integral role in the biodiversity of our planet. I am dissapointed and saddened by the fact that very few Malaysians are paying close attention to these problems. I honestly think that the government should set up a series of campaign all over Malaysia to instill these awareness in fellow Malaysians. The existing laws on the conservations of these poor animals are not enough to shield them from their extinction. Government should amend a new policy to save these wildlife from the brink of extinctions. Fishermen should not be permitted to enter the waters where most critically endangered marine animals can be found. Malaysians should also leave the eggs of these turtles alone and let them breed. It is good enough that only a few of these turtles survive for the first two months of their lives without being a prey to their natural predators. Illegal logging should be forbidden and more monitoring works by forest rangers should be done to combat these matters. Illegal forests burning should be taken into account, as forests are the main habitat of our beloved wildlife. Everyone can play a part in the conservation of these wildlife. We can start by doing little things like not to use plastic bags when buying groceries and recycle unwanted goods. I personally think that it is good that some people are creating blogs and websites to help create the much needed awareness. Know that little things make a huge difference, and our wildlife are looking up to us to help save them.

Thank you.

A concern citizen ,

Nursyaheedah Muhammad Isa

My precious dolphins

Topic: Why Dolphins are endangered?

Dear Editor,

I would like to indicate some comments regarding the article written in why dolphins are endangered which appear in online article from the websites " Saving the Planet". The writer of this article has included some further characteristics of endangered species in dolphins but never cited the types of dolphins that have become endangered. It is because not all types of dolphins are endangered thus it is important for people to be informed of the endangered dolphins species so that public awareness is at a high level.

However, I am still saluting the awareness and concerns of the writer to publish the articles about endangered dolphins and inform it to the public as a method of saving their species from extinction. Dolphins are categorized as mammals since it is not a fish and it is warm blooded which has its own specialty compared to other animals. It can produce a sound by its own and dolphins often travel in herds . Therefore, since the dolphins were endangered, there should be suggestions on how we can protect them from continuously being endangered or becoming extinct in future.

Basically, the writers had done a good job in explaining the endangered species of dolphins and create a sense of awareness among the readers of saving or at least suggesting an idea on how to save the endangered species. The strong evidence given by the writers on how the dolphins have become endangered has strengthen the policy to discourage the element that may lead to the killing of dolphins or hurting them crucially.

Thank you.

Dolphins lover ,

Wan Ezza Atikah bt Wan Sazali

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Saved endangered species : Alligator

The name of animal that has been successfully brought back from the brink of extinction is American alligator.

Listed as endangered: March 11, 1967

Taken off the list: June 4, 1987

Conservation status :

Least Concern (IUCN 2.3)[1]


- adult male : 11.2 feet (3.4 m)
- adult female : 8.2 feet (2.6 m)

Exceptionally large males can reach a weight of nearly half a ton or 1,000 pounds.

Other distinct characteristics
Both males and females have an "armored" body with a muscular flat tail. The skin on the back is armored with embedded bony plates called osteoderms or scutes. They have four short legs; the front legs have five toes while the back legs have four toes.
Alligators have a long snout with upward facing nostrils at the end; this lets them breathe while the rest of the body is underwater. The young can be distinguished from adults by the bright yellow stripes on the tail; adults have dark stripes on the tail.

Alligators can be found in rivers, swamps, bogs, lakes, ponds, creeks, canals, and bayous. Alligators can tolerate some salt water. However, they can tolerate salt water for only brief periods because they do not have salt glands. And they have been spotted in marshes as well.

More explanation on its recovery status:

Once on the verge of extinction, the American alligator has made a remarkable recovery. Due to strict conservation measures and extensive research, it is no longer endangered except in scattered areas of its range. However, the American alligator is listed as threatened on the U.S. Endangered Species List because it is very similar in appearance to the American crocodile, which is endangered, and hunters are likely to confuse the two species. Hunting is allowed in some states, but it is heavily controlled. The greatest threat is currently destruction of habitat; this includes water management systems and increased levels of mercury and dioxins in the water.
Because alligators will feed on almost anything, they pose a mild threat to humans. In Florida, where there is the greatest alligator population, there were five deaths to alligator attacks from 1973 to 1990. Dogs and other pets are also sometimes killed.
Historically, alligators were depleted from many parts of their range as a result of market hunting and loss of habitat, and 30 years ago many people believed this unique reptile would never recover. In 1967, the alligator was listed as an endangered species (under a law that preceded the Endangered Species Act of 1973), meaning it was considered in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
A combined effort by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, state wildlife agencies in the South, and the creation of large, commercial alligator farms saved these unique animals. The Endangered Species Act outlawed alligator hunting, allowing the species to rebound in numbers in many areas where it had been depleted. As the alligator began to make a comeback, states established alligator population monitoring programs and used this information to ensure alligator numbers continued to increase. In 1987, the Fish and Wildlife Service pronounced the American alligator fully recovered and consequently removed the animal from the list of endangered species. The Fish and Wildlife Service still regulates the legal trade in alligator skins and products made from them.
Although the American alligator is secure, some related animals — such as several species of crocodiles and caimans — are still in trouble.

Sources :
i. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Alligator
ii. http://www.npca.org/marine_and_coastal/marine_wildlife/alligator.html
iii. http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/ReptilesAmphibians/Facts/FactSheets/Americanalligator.cfm

Endangered species : Giant Panda

Common Name : Giant panda

Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca

Southwest China (Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan Provinces) to the east of the Tibetan plateau.

Population : Less than 2,500 mature in the wild

Why Giant Panda is endangered ?

Continuous uncertainty have clouded the future of Giant Panda. With China's economy are rapidly growing, this bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. The first being its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China which are increasingly being taken over by roads and railroads. Giant Panda's habitat loss continues to occur outside of protected areas. The second threat which is poaching remains a continuous threat. In 1984, the giant panda was transferred from Appendix III to Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) . Trade in the species or its products are subject to strict regulation by the ratifying parties, and trade for primarily commercial purposes is banned.

Click on this link to help in saving the Panda !

Sources :
i. http://www.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/giant_panda/
ii. www.pandasinternational.org/