A review on endangered animals


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

My precious dolphins

Topic: Why Dolphins are endangered?

Dear Editor,

I would like to indicate some comments regarding the article written in why dolphins are endangered which appear in online article from the websites " Saving the Planet". The writer of this article has included some further characteristics of endangered species in dolphins but never cited the types of dolphins that have become endangered. It is because not all types of dolphins are endangered thus it is important for people to be informed of the endangered dolphins species so that public awareness is at a high level.

However, I am still saluting the awareness and concerns of the writer to publish the articles about endangered dolphins and inform it to the public as a method of saving their species from extinction. Dolphins are categorized as mammals since it is not a fish and it is warm blooded which has its own specialty compared to other animals. It can produce a sound by its own and dolphins often travel in herds . Therefore, since the dolphins were endangered, there should be suggestions on how we can protect them from continuously being endangered or becoming extinct in future.

Basically, the writers had done a good job in explaining the endangered species of dolphins and create a sense of awareness among the readers of saving or at least suggesting an idea on how to save the endangered species. The strong evidence given by the writers on how the dolphins have become endangered has strengthen the policy to discourage the element that may lead to the killing of dolphins or hurting them crucially.

Thank you.

Dolphins lover ,

Wan Ezza Atikah bt Wan Sazali

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