A review on endangered animals


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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Endangered species : Elephant

Elephants species are divided into two types:
i. African elephant
ii. Asian elephant

African elephant

Scientific name : Loxodonta Africana

- Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests
- Flooded Grasslands and Savannas
- Miombo woodlands
- Acacia savannahs

- male : up to 3.6 m
- female : up to 3 m

Weight :
- male : up to 5.4 tons
- female : up to 4.6 tons

Recent numbers : appoximately 690,000

Why African elephant is endangered?

About 25 years ago , there were about 1.3 million elephants in Africa , but now the number had dwindled down to about 690,000 . Poaching has been a mega major thread that contributed to these shocking figure. Mainly , what poachers wanted in African elephants are its ivory which has a very high demand . Hunters make a very good fortune out of ivory trades. In 1989, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)have imposed a global ban on international trade in ivory and ivory products in an attempt to reduce the killing of african elephants , but there are still illegal hunting activities going on until now.

Asian elephant

Scientific name : Elephas Maximus

- Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests
- Tropical and Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forests

Height :
- up to 3.6 m

Weight :
- up to 5 tons

Recent numbers : approximately 32,750

Why Asian elephant is endangered ?

Asian elephants, mainly in Borneo faces threat from the conversion of their forest habitat to agricultural use. When these elephants migrated from its original habitat , they will confront with human and leads to deaths on both sides . Besides that , Asian elephants are hunted to get its tusks , meat and also hides .

How to differentiate between Africa and Asian elephants?

The most noted difference is Africa elephants have bigger ears compared to Asian elephants . Besides that, Africa elephants have two fingers at its trunk ends compared to only a finger on Asian elephants . Click this link to know more about the differences between both elephants .

sources :
i. http://www.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/elephants/
ii. http://www.upali.ch/differences_en.html
iii. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant


  1. i've read your articles about the elephants and found it useful in my research about this animal

    Keep up the good work and i wish you and your team all the best in bringing awareness towards endangered species

  2. Thank you nini.. !! Do keep in touch with us and give more of your feedbacks. All the best in completing your task !! :)
