A review on endangered animals


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thoughts about elephants

Topic : Conserving the numbers of elephants in our planet

Dear editor ,

First of all I would like to thank you and your team for bringing awareness towards the endangerment of elephant species which have a remarkable decline in its numbers for the past 25 years . The articles represented helps me in my research about elephants.

I would like to comment about the declining numbers of elephants in our planet . As it may seem , poaching is the main ongoing threat towards this mammal eventhough laws of ban on hunting elephants have long been authorized. What I want to point out here is that people should stop buying ivory and products originated from elephants. The math is simple , when there is no demand there will be no supply . Besides that, the campaign towards saving the wildlife should be made more attractive and informative so that it will move people to contribute towards the cause . The authority who are in charge of keeping eye on these animals should work from their heart , not for glamour or money . When we work from our willingness and love towards something , then the results would be trumendous. If it ever happened that these elephants become extinct , it would be terrible for the natural ecosystem in where this animal live. For us , the humans , it would be a shame to lose such a species just because of our greed and ignorance towards preserving the natural heritage . Besides that , as we all informed , elephants are one of the tourist attraction that generate income for the locals , for example in African safari . The declined numbers of elephants and other endangered animals will greatly effect the local economic revenue that are mainly chained to tourism .
As a conclusion , I hope more and more people will put their efforts on conserving our precious natural habitants . Helping means more than receiving .

Thank you.

Yours truly ,

Syahrizulfadli bin Haji Salam @ Mansor

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